( WoWRPG 38) Druids of the wild now strive to heal and restore the land, while sentinels keep their eternal watch for enemies both seen and unseen. Some night elves happily hunt orcs as a repayment for Cenarius’ murder.
After the death of Cenarius during the Third War, many sentinels, druids and warrior night elves began a great hunt. ( WRPG 73) Their hatred of orcs has also fueled their participation in the Alliance. As a class, it shares elements from archer, hunter, and scout classes. In addition, sentinels are proficient in the use of arrows as a melee weapon. Sentinels are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light and medium armor, due to her extensive study of her foes and training in the proper techniques for combating them. Sentinels are elite archers and skirmishers, capable of doing tricks with the bow that few others can hope to match. They were created in order to replace the old army. ( WoWRPG 100) The Sentinels were established shortly after the War of the Ancients, and until recently all of its soldiers were night elf women. ( MM&M 103) Sentinel is an ancient title, its skills are rooted in ancient tradition from even before the time of Queen Azshara. ( WRPG 73) Given the threat of invasion that constantly looms, few roles are as critical to the defense of the land as the sentinel. The Sentinels, also known as Sentinel Army, are an elite guard belonging to the night elves.